Конспект урока для 6 класса «The Past Simple»

Английский язык – 6 класс

Описание работы: данный ход – план открытого урока по теме «Увлечения в моей семье» для работы в 6 классе при обучении английскому языку по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием» (5 – 6)  может быть полезен всем педагогам, преподающим английский язык

Цель: обсудить увлечения в семьях учащихся на основе знакомого лексического и грамматического материала, познакомить с новой лексической конструкцией

Задачи: выполнение заданий различного вида на отработку всех видов речевой деятельности (чтение слов в транскрипции, задание на аудирование, отработка употребления The Past Simple, the Present Perfect, употребление конструкции to be fond of + Ving в устной речи), работа по тексту по технологии РКМЧП (прием «лови ошибку»)

Место урока в системе: раздел 8, УМК М.З. Биболетова (5-6 класс)

Формы: групповая

Приемы: аудирование, чтение, письмо, говорение

Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием ИКТ

Оборудование: ИКТ, проектор, доска, учебники, тетради

Используемые средства ИКТ: презентация Power Point, проигрыватель Windows Media

Ход урока:

1.     Организационный момент

Good morning, children! Who is on duty today? What is your name? How old are you? Who is absent today? What date is it today? Is it winter today? Is it cold today?

2.     Фонетическая зарядка

I like to read, I like to play, I like to study every day, I like to jump,I like to run, I like to play, It`s fun!

What will we speak about? Let`s look at these pictures and name hobbies (to play football, to read, to jump, to play computer games)

3.     Проверка домашней работы

Open the workbooks. P. 70 ex. 6.

Make up sentences. Write them down.

Check yourself:

1. Doing sports is very popular in my family

2. How do you keep fit?

3. Which type of music is your favourite?

4. Do your parents like jogging?

5. We play rugby or football every weekend.

4.  Повторение названий видов увлечений (фонетическое упражнение)

Let`s read the pronunciation of hobbies` names. What hobbies are there?

There are horseracing, diving, cinema, travelling, playing computer games, music, swimming, collecting stamps and coins, dancing, playing rugby, gardening, theatre, playing tennis, playing football, taking photos, reading

5. Аудирование на тему: «Ученик и его увлечения»

The student and his hobbies. Tb. P. 149 ex.16. Listen to the student speaking about his hobbies. Complete the following sentences. The first letter of the missing words has been written for you.

I have a big c____________ of coins.2. No we do it t__________.3. There are more than 200 coins from d___________ countries in our collection.4. Collection coins isn`t e_________, you know.5. You s___________ know much about different c_________ and their p_______.6. I haven`t got any m________ Russian coins in my c____________.

Check yourself: 1) collection 2) together 3) different 4) easy 5) should, countries, people 6) modern, collection

6. Работа в парах. Прочитайте текст, найдите в нем ошибки, исправьте их, заполнив таблицу (в данном задании используется технология развития критического мышления (авторы технологии – американские преподаватели Дженни Л. Стил, Кертис С. Мередит, Чарльза Темпла и Скотта Уолтера).

Свежие документы:  Конспект родительского собрания на тему: «Особенности подросткового возраста. Подросток и родители» 8 класс

Let`s read about hobbies in British families. Read the text. The text has some mistakes. Please, find and correct them. Work in groups. Each group has 1 text. Fill in the table.

1) English families aren`t fond of having picnics. On Sundays our whole family has lunch in a forest or even in our garden. We don`t like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature.

2) My friends` hobbies are very different. My best friend and I like discos very much. We don`t dance there, come back home at 6 p.m. to sleep. Our favorite type of music is rock.

3) My family isn`t large: just my mum and dad, my elder brother and me and our dog. All of us try to keep fit. We are relaxing in front of TV the whole weekend, because we don`t like to do sports.

4) My family consists  of a mother, father, my younger sister and me. I am 8, my sister is 5 years old. We are pupils. Also we have a cat and a parrot. Our favourite season is a winter, because we all like skating.  In winter we skate every Saturday.


Text 1

Text 2

Text 3

Text 4

Sentence with a mistake





Correct sentence





7. Письменные грамматические упражнения. Повторяем The Past Simple, the Present Perfect: а) образование, употребление – повторить б) выполнить упражнения (поставить глагол в нужную грамматическую форму)

Remember and answer the questions: What action does each tense mean? How do we form each tense? What words do we have to understand why do we use this tense? What word order do we have in the affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in the Past Simple and in the Present Perfect?

1.We ______ to the cinema yesterday (to go).2.Our friends ____________ to the USA already (to travel). 3. ______ you _______ ever in Oxford? (to be) 4. My parents ______ to the theatre with our aunt last week (to go). 5. We ___________ to read this book recently (to finish). 6.  I __________ to this song yesterday  (to listen). 7. A little boy __________ already 250 stamps (to collect).8. She ________ at the last party (not, to dance) 9. His elder brother __________ to play rugby lately (to learn). 10. _____George ____ tennis with his best friend last week (to play)?

1. went 2. Have travelled 3. Have…been? 4. Went  5. Have finished  6. Listened 7. Has collected 8. Didn`t dance 9. Has learnt 10. Did…play?

8. Знакомство с конструкцией «to be fond of + Ving»: This phrase means in Russian «увлекаться». In a sentence we can change the form of the verb «to be» according to the meaning of the subject.

9. Употребление конструкции в устной речи (работа по слайдам): Many famous people are fond of something. Look at the pictures and tell about their interests. Use the phrase «to be + fond of + Ving»:

Elizabeth is fond of breeding of dogs, taking photos, travelling. Charles is fond of watching of birds. Diana was fond of dancing. Harry is fond of making films. William is fond of swimming, playing football, rugby, hockey. Kate is fond of playing volleyball.

10. Работа в рабочей тетради. Письменные задания. Workbooks. P. 70 ex. 5.

Свежие документы:  Конспект урока по английскому языку "Что мы любим на завтрак" 3 класс

11. Устная речь на тему: «Увлечения в моей семье» (с использованием конструкции «to be fond of + Ving»)

Finish the sentences: My mother is fond of ……My father is fond of ……My elder sister is fond of ….. My younger brother is fond of …..My aunt is fond of ……My uncle is fond of ……My grandmother is  fond of ….My grandfather is fond of ….. I am fond of …..

12. Подведение итогов урока: There are many people on our planet and also many hobbies. The hobbies are different as well as we are!!

13. Домашнее задание: Workbook. P. 70 – 71 ex. 7, 9.

14. Заключение. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Good luck!

Анализ: данный урок отражает применение всех 4 видов речевой деятельности (чтение, говорение, письмо, аудирование), 3 аспекта изучения языка (фонетика, лексика, грамматика), использование принципа наглядности, применение современной технологии РКМЧП, соответствующей ФГОС. Педагог и ученики получили самые положительные эмоции и отзывы от данного открытого урока.

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