i.Урок английского языка в 10 классе
ii.Тема «Political systems of the world»
iii.Подготовила учитель английского языка Миронова Е.А.
iv. Цели урока:
активизация тематической лексики УМК 10 класса в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников;
углубление знаний учащихся о политическом устройстве англоязычных стран и России.
vi.Задачи урока:
Совершенствование речевого умения (монологическая и диалогическая речь).
Развитие навыков работы в группах.
Развитие способности к формулированию выводов на основе прочитанного.
Языковой материал: to represent, a representative, representative, an assent, majority, to determine, to revise, to delay, to examine, to vote, to draft, to sign, to rule, to oppose, ceremonial, to challenge, to approve, the legislative branch, the executive branch, a bill, a parliament, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the Official Opposition, the Shadow Cabinet, a minister, a department, a constitution, a prime minister, to coordinate, to control, a law, a politician.
viii.Оснащение: проектор, флаги США, России, Великобритании, портреты лидеров, карточки.
x. План урока
Организационный момент
xi.Цель: создание условия для успешного повторения и изучения нового материала, создание ситуации успеха для каждого учащегося.
xii. — Good morning, children.
xiii.— Tell me, please, who is on duty today?
xiv.— What date is it today?
xv.— What is the weather like today?
xvi.— Who is absent?
xviii.Сообщение темы и цели урока.
xx.Well, boys and girls, we have spoken a lot about English-speaking countries and their political systems. And our today’s English lesson isn’t going to be an exception. We’ll try to deepen your knowledge of the problem under discussion and this will also help you to improve your English. So I want you all to take an active part. Imagine that we are participants in a conference about the political systems of different countries. You will be divided into three groups. The first group will be politicians from the Russian Federation. The second group will be politicians from the USA. The third one will be politicians from the United Kingdom.
Фонетическая и речевая зарядка
xxii. First, however, let us practice pronouncing some of the terms needed in the right way.
xxv.parliament xxvi.parliamentary democracy xxvii.monarchy xxviii.constitutional monarchy xxix.power xxx.branches of power xxxi.legislative xxxii.executive xxxiii.judicial | xxxiv.president xxxv.presidential republic xxxvi.the Supreme court xxxvii.the government xxxviii.the Prime minister xxxix.the Congress xl.the House of Lords xli.the House of Commons xlii.to elect | xliii.to vote xliv.to appoint xlv.to rule xlvi.a bill xlvii.a law xlviii.to delay xlix.to pass l.to challenge li.to approve |
lii.(Хоровая работа с классом. Лексика для фонетической отработки отображена в карточке 1)
liv.3. Повторение и обобщение учебного материала
lv.All political systems have the same parts. Bat there are many other kinds of differences. Now well make them clear. Choose a representative from your group. He must go to the blackboard and complete the right information in the table.
lvii.По одному представителю от каждой группы заполняют колонку о своей стране, используя предложенные части политического устройства.
lx.the United Kingdom | lxi.the USA | lxii.Russian federation | |
lxiii.Head of state | lxiv.The monarch | lxv.The President | lxvi.The President |
lxvii.Executive branch | lxviii.The government | lxix.The President and the Cabinet | lxx.The Federal Government |
lxxi.Parts of the Executive branch | lxxii.The cabinet; Non – Cabinet Ministers | lxxiii.the Cabinet | lxxiv.the Cabinet of Ministers |
lxxv.Legislative branch | lxxvi.Parliament | lxxvii.Congress | lxxviii.The Federal Assembly |
lxxix.Parts of the Legislative branch | lxxx.The House of commons; the House of Lords | lxxxi.The house of representatives; lxxxii.The Senate | lxxxiii.The Federation council; the Duma. |
lxxxv. Во время работы трех учеников у доски, со всеми остальными организуется работа по повторению политических терминов. Для этого используются слайды, на которых есть определение термина, нужно ответить какой это термин.
lxxxvii.Try to guess the political terms using their definitions.
The head of the state in the United Kingdom. / the monarch/
The head of the executive branch in the USA. /the President/
The head of government in Russia. /the Chairman/
The executive branch in the United Kingdom. /The government/
The legislative branch in the USA. /Congress/
The legislative branch in Russia. /the Federal Assembly/
The head of the government in the United Kingdom./the Prime Minister/
Развитие навыков монологической речи
lxxxix.All right. Let us see how you‘ve completed the information in the table.
xc.Представитель каждой группы рассказывает о политическом устройстве своей страны в соответствии с тем как заполнил предложенную ранее таблицу. Другие учащиеся могут дополнять информацию при возникновении каких-либо трудностей.
xcii. 5. Развитие навыков работы в группах.
xciii.Now, my dear politicians, you‘ll read some statements about the political systems in different countries and you should decide whether they are true or false. You should work in groups.
xcv.Card 2
xcvii.true | xcviii.false | |
xcix.1. Officially the head of the state in Great Britain is a king. | c. | ci. |
cii.2. The members of the House of Lords are not elected by the population | ciii. | civ. |
cv.3.The monarchy in Britain enjoys unlimited power in the country | cvi. | cvii. |
cviii.4. The President of the USA is the head of the legislative branch. | cix. | cx. |
cxi.5.The President in the USA has the power to sigh bills. | cxii. | cxiii. |
cxiv.6.The Senate controls the President’s power. cxv. | cxvi. | cxvii. |
cxviii.7.The President of the Russian Federation is elected directly by people. | cxix. | cxx. |
cxxi.8.The State Duma appoints the Chairman of the Federal Government in Russia | cxxii. | cxxiii. |
cxxiv.9.The federal Government is made up of Ministers | cxxv. | cxxvi. |
cxxvii.Keys: 1-false; 2-true; 3-false; 4-false; 5- true; 6- true; 7- true; 8-false; 9-true.
Объяснение домашнего задания.
cxxx.Teacher: At home you’ll repeat the modal verbs ‘shall’ and ‘should’, vocabulary from the unit 2, prepare for testing.
cxxxi.Do the crossword and answer the question:
cxxxii.Which institution exercises the power of the people in Great Britain?
A group of the most important ministers.
Non – elected members of Parliament.
Persons who are responsible for the government policies.
The number of seats the leading party has.
The party that challenges the official policy.
The head of state in Britain now.
The name the chambers of Parliament are called.
cxxxix. | cxl. | cxli. | cxlii.o | cxliii.u | cxliv.h | |
cxlviii.p | cxlix.e | cl.o | ||||
clii.l | cliv.p | clv.e | clvi.u | |||
clvii.c | clviii.o | clix.m | clx.m | clxi.o | clxii.n | clxiii.s |
clxiv.a | clxv.r | clxvi.i | clxvii.a | clxviii.s | clxix. | clxx.e |
clxxi.b | clxxii.d | clxxiii.n | clxxiv.j | clxxv.i | ||
clxxvi.i | clxxvii.s | clxxviii.i | clxxix.o | clxxx.t | ||
clxxxi.n | clxxxii. | clxxxiii.s | clxxxiv.r | clxxxv.i | ||
clxxxvi.e | clxxxviii.t | clxxxix.i | cxc.o | |||
cxci.t | cxciii.e | cxciv.t | cxcv.n | |||
cxcvi. | cxcviii.r | cxcix.y | cc. | |||
cciii.s | cciv. |
Заключительный этап урока.
ccix. Оценки.
ccx.Teacher: We revised all the information about the political systems of different countries. What emotions do you feel after the lesson?
ccxii.Positive emotions. Negative emotions.
ccxiii.-surprise -irritation
ccxiv.-happiness -boredom
ccxv.-joy -sadness
ccxvi.-success -unsatisfaction
ccxvii.-admiration -anxiety
ccxviii.-proud -fear
ccxx.I feel ……
ccxxi.Because I …..
ccxxii.— …..was /not/ bored.
ccxxiii.-……worked hard.
ccxxiv.-……answered properly.
ccxxv.-……was active and impassioned.
ccxxvi.-…..received a reward/ a good /bad/ mark.