Внеклассное мероприятие «Колобок ищет друзей»

Автор: Сафина Галия Фазыловна.

Место работы: Базарно-Матакская средняя общеобразовательная школа Алькеевского района Республики Татарстан.

Должность: учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории.

Тип разработки : внеклассное мероприятие, музыкальная сказка «Колобок ищет друзей» для 2-3х классов.

Краткое описание: Данную сказку можно разучивать во время кружковых занятий , инсценировать во время Недели английского языка , что мы с ребятами и сделали. Эта работа прекрасно развивает творческие способности учащихся и кроме того, стимулирует интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Внеклассное мероприятие «Колобок ищет друзей»

Задачи :

  1. Активизация учащимися изученной лексики по теме «Животные –артисты цирка.»

  2. Повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.

  3. Развитие креативного потенциала учащихся.

Оснащение: Костюмы персонажей, декорации ( лес, cказочный домик в лесу), музыкальное сопровождение к песенкам.

Действующие лица: Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the Dog, Jack-the Hare, Flop-the Frog, Mary-the-Mouse.

Слова ведущего: Once upon a time there lived Puff –the- Ball.He lived in a fairytale forest. He was very kind and smart. But he

was very, very sad, because he had no parents and no friends. Puff-the-Ball wants to have friends.

One day he goes out to look for friends. He walks and walks on (гуляет по лесу и читает стихи.)

-I am Puff-the-Ball, you will like me all

I like to jump, I like to skip,

I like to play every day.

I like to sing, I like to run,

I like to play, it’s a fun!

I have no father, I have no mother ,

I have no sister, I have no brother,

And no grandfather, and no grandmother,

I want to have new friends. Yes!

He sees a Cat. He says :”Hello, Pussy.I am looking for a friend. Do you want to be my friend?

Of course, take me with you!”, says the Cat. “What can you do?” –“I can mew ,like this-mew, mew.”

With great pleasure. I want to have a friend. Come with me!”, says Puff-the-Ball.

(идут и поют песенку “The more we are together”,держась за руки.)

The more we are together, together, together

The more we are together- the happier we are.

For my friend is –your friend,

And your friend –is my friend.

The more we are together-the happier we are!

Вед: So Puff-the-Ball and Pussy-the-Cat walk on and on. Then they see a little dog. The dog says ,”Hi! Are you looking for a friend? You are two and I am alone !Please, take me with you!

And who are you?” ,ask Puff-the-Ball and Pussy-the-Cat

I am a dog , a nice brave dog,

My name is Rex, but nobody loves me

I am a nice little puppy , I want to be very happy .”

And what can you do?”, asks Puff-the-Ball .- “I can run and bark, like this-bark, bark.”

O’K! Come with us. We want to have a friend too! “, says Puff-the-Ball.

So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat and Rex-the-dog walk on and walk and on.( дети идут и поют песенку, держась за руки)

Soon they see a hare. The Hare says: ”Hello! Are you looking for a friend? You are three and I am alone. Please, take me with you! I want to be your friend!

And who are you?”, asks Puff-the-Ball”.

I am Jack-the- Hare ,I run everywhere ,

Long are my ears, fast are my legs

Pink is my nose, grey is my coat.”

What can you do?”-asks Puff-the-ball.-“I can jump and skip and bark-like this-bark, bark!”

Then come with us. We want to have a friend too.”

So Puff-the-Ball ,Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog and Jack-the-Hare walk on and on and on.(Идут и поют песенку.)Soon they see a Frog.

Hi! Are you looking for a friend? You are four, and I am alone. Please, take me with you !”,says the Frog.

And who are you?”, asks Puff-the-Ball.

I am a frog, my name is Flop

I like mosquitoes and grasshops.”

What can you do?”, asks Puff-the-Ball. –“I can swim and croak like this- croak,croak.”

Then come with us .We want to have a friend too.”, says Puff-the-Ball. So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog, Jack-the-Hare and Flop-the-frog walk on and on and on.(Идут и поют песенку “The more me are together”, держась за руки.)

So they come to a big and nice house.

Look! What a nice house “,says Puff-the-Ball. ”The house is very big .We can all live in this house.”

OK”, says Pussy-the-Cat.

Good,”says Rex-the-dog.

Excellent,” says Jack-the-Hare.

Wonderful ,” says Flop-the-Frog.

Now Puff-the-Ball has got four friends: Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog, Jack-the-Hare and Flop-the-Frog. They live in a big and nice house .They are together and they are very and very happy!

(В конце дети под музыку поют песенку “If you are happy “, все 6 куплетов , изменяя только фразы с движениями. )

1.If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands (хлопают в ладоши)

2.stamp your feet(топают ногами)

3.snap your fingers ( щёлкают пальцами.)

4.nod your head (кивают головой.)

5.say OK ( говорят окей )

6 .do all five (повторяют все 5 движений подряд!)

Использованная литература:

1.Учебник английского языка для 2 класса “Enjoy English”, автор М.З. Биболетова, Издательство «Титул»,г.Обнинск,2005год.

2.Книга для чтения к учебнику английского языка для 3 класса для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.

Авторы: Верещагина И. Н.,Притыкина Т.А. , г.Москва, «Просвещение»,1993год.

3.“Happy English”-сборник рифмовок, стихов и песен на английском языке ,автор Галина Доля ,г.Дубна ,Московская область 1992год

Свежие документы:  Внеклассное мероприятие «Путешествие в страну Музыки»

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